Writer Links

Writer Tip Book
An Idea A Day
Charity money rip-off
Can You Recognize A Molested Child?
Lenders and borrowers
Getting back your borrowed item
Making Shaved Ice
Getting A REAL Pen Pal
Celebrity Prisoners' Mail
Confiscated Items
Can You Recognize A Molester?
Internet Addiction
State Quarters
Baseball tips
Passwords Are Not Just For Computers
101 Uses For ...
Can You Really Talk To The Dead?
Summer Jobs For Kids
Replacing important papers
Charity stores in your area
Dumpster-diving in your city
Store donations
Restaurants who donate to charity
Toothache Pain
How Secure Are You?
How to get assistance in your area
Be A Game Guru
Uniforms In Local High Schools
Rats And Mice As Pets
Need to know a definition?
All About Birdwatching
Hot Air Balloons - making
Birthday Celebrations
Begin with What You Know
Finding local bargains
Where does your charity money go?
Family history
Antique cars
Flag Etiquette
I have a lot of "he said"s and "she said"s in my writing. How do I combat this?
How do I keep my readers engrossed?
I want to write epic fantasy!
Should I kill off my characters?
I want to write for the Washington Post! Or the London Times!
I want people to hear my opinions!
What's the best way to write intense fiction (i.e. horror, sexually explicit, etc.)
How do I write stories?
What is the best way to introduce a journalism piece?
Should I write for myself, or an audience?
Listening to conversations
Using a false name
How to be a computer detective
How to tail someone
Doing a background check
Using genealogy sites
Hiding your own information
Snooping on your kids
Covering your tracks on a computer
Is Your Mate Cheating on You?
Scanner policies
Keeping A Price Notebook
How To Shop For Sales
How To Haggle
Helping Kids Save Money
Shopping Thrift Store and Garage Sales for Seasonal Gifts
How to get assistance in your area
Make Your Own Cleaners
Recycling To Save Money
Using Coupons
Coupon Clubs
Double Coupons
Refunds or Rebates?
Starting a Coupon Table at Your Grocery Store
Refunding for fun and profit
Make Your Own Clothes
Create Your Own Decorations
How To Find Unit Prices
Save Money Online
Gift Giving Decisions
Create Your Own Seasonal Gifts
Creating your own job
Teenagers and good teeth
Inhalant abuse
Teenagers and wearing glasses
Teenagers and smoking
Teenagers and good teeth
Learning to drive
Acne treatments
Signs of sexual abuse
Depression and suicide
Getting that first job
Tips on Wrapping Your Items
Using Your Business Card in Auctioning
Winner's letter
Leaving feedback
Finding Items To Auction
How To Create Your Own Post Office
HTML Tutorials
How to Put Pictures in Your Auctions
Add a Bonus To Your Item
Describing Your Item For Sale
Choosing An Ad Generator
The Best Time For An Ad
From technical to marketing
Bullets: Length
Bullets: Verb usage
The quick read
Features vs Benefits
Think big
Who pays the bill?
It's not just you
Slide Text
Presentation Length
Graphics: use a pro
Make rules
White paper bullets: Length
Use of bullets
Who should write it?
Think before you write
From the Mouths of Editors
Type Face/Fonts
Read the Publications First
Treat this as a Business
Submitting at the end of the year
Looking for Details
Remember the Bio
Don't Wait until the Last Minute
Manuscript Submissions
Double Space for room to read
What are you submitting to?
All about Easter
Easter - the religion
Getting an Easter pet
Decorating Easter eggs
Easter cookbook
Creating your own Easter egg hunts
Easter crafts
Easter egg hunt planning
Easter Seal Society
Make your own candies
Easter songs
Make your own Easter cards
Easter - best sellers
Planning the Easter dinner feast
Easter fashions
Easter baskets
Easter leftovers
Taking great Easter pictures
Easter entertainment
Easter - entertainment
Easter clipart
Interactive and online media
Writing Style for Games Manuals
Manual vs Online Help
HTML - General Knowledge
Mapping out navigation
Making money
Beware Vanity Publishers
School Talks
Save your reputation-hold that tongue
Create an Author Web SIte
Articles on the Web
Market yourself, not yourself to market
Months of the Year
Equal Pay Day
Fun At Work Day
Stress Awareness Month
Take Our Daughters To Work Day
Women's Eye Health and Safety Month
Playground Safety
April Fool's Day
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Sports Eye Safety Month
National Lawn and Garden Month
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Professional Secretaries Week
Taurus The Bull
Free Dental Clinics
Sign Language
Customer Loyalty
Keep America Beautiful Month
National Pecan Month
U.S. Mint Anniversary
First Flag
First License Plates Issued
First Dictionary
Mathematics Education Month
National Autism Awareness Month
National Humor Month
Coffee Mill Patent
Safety Pins
National Poetry Month
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
National Karaoke Week
Aluminum business
Zip It Up
Alcohol Awareness Month
New Year's Eve - How To Hold A Party
Christmas - Make Your Own Gift Tags
Christmas - What To Buy For The Unusual Person
Christmas - A Really Good Santa
Christmas - Shoplifting attention
Christmas - Smells
Christmas - The Business of Santa
Christmas - Shoplifting
Keeping Flowers Fresh
Proposing on Valentine's Day
Flower arrangements --
Valentine Candy
The Cupid Thing
Finding Someone Special
How I Met My Someone Special
Valentine's Day Weddings
After the flowers --
Unusual Candies for Valentines
Unusual boxes for Valentine's Day
Anti-Boredom Month
Baked Bean Month
Wedding - decorating instructions
Wedding - how to have a free wedding
Wedding - how to have a free wedding
Wedding - the guestbook
Watermelon spitting contests
Wedding - for those that couldn't come
Wedding - great photo tips!
Watermelon recipes
Take Your Pet To Work Week
Father's Day presents
Children with no Father in the house
Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade
Civil War Reenactments
Barbecue ideas
Wedding - on a budget
Wedding - photography
Wedding - the guest list
Wedding - the gown and accessories
Wedding - the honeymoon
Wedding - no children allowed
Wedding - the organization
Wedding - presents
Wedding - Places to board guests
Wedding - be your own coordinator
Wedding -
Wedding - create an online wedding
Wedding - more photography
Wedding - Choosing a place to marry
Wedding - money traditions
Wedding - the cake
Wedding - gifts for the wedding party
June is the typewriter anniversary
Watermelon designs
Planting watermelon seeds
St. Patrick's Day
Girl Scouts Founded
Alexander Graham Bell Birthday
Pistol Packing
Poets in your city
Dog Licensing
Paper Currency
May is the month of Condensed Milk
First U.S. Nickels
First Bicycle Introduced
Bifocals Invented
National Diabetes Month
National Alzheimer's Disease Month
Epilepsy Awareness Month
International Drum Month
Aviation History Month
Has Lack of Styro-foam Made A Difference?
Turkey Tips
Thanksgiving Cakes
Resources For Writers
Do your research
URLs of interest to writers
Hero's Flaw
The Bad Guy
Character Development Offscreen
The Hero/Bad Guy
Explaining the Song
Chorus: Length
Getting Better Every Day
The Write Advice from Writers
Publishing Craft Designs - a new kind of idea!
On Work Habits...
Showing your article to the source
Working from home
Unique Perspectives
Write what you like
Help, I need a writing schedule!
Open Yourself To New Ideas and Write!
How Much Did You Complete?
Let Your Creativity Guide You!
The Dog Ate My Notes!
Learn From The Masters!
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
Free Article Submission Works!
Is Collaboration For You?
Looking for a Writers' Group?
Un-Blocking Writers Block
Free Writing
Seek out other writers
Butt-in-Chair Method of Writing
Word of the Day
Write to the Clock
Critique Groups
A different location
Congratulate Yourself
Walk it Off
Find a Writing Buddy
Set a Word Minimum
Take a Break to Read
Writer Newsletter Archive
Should I write for myself, or an audience?
What is the best way to introduce a journalism piece?
How do I write stories?
Is Collaboration For You?
Let Your Creativity Guide You!
How Much Did You Complete?
Begin with What You Know
Free Writing
Butt-in-Chair Method of Writing
Word of the Day
What are you submitting to?
Remember the Bio
Read the Publications First
Treat this as a Business
A different location
Write to the Clock
Critique Groups
Set a Word Minimum
Take a Break to Read
Walk it Off
Find a Writing Buddy
School Talks
Create an Author Web SIte
Articles on the Web
Manuscript Submissions
Double Space for room to read
Type Face/Fonts
Don´t Wait until the Last Minute
Seek out other writers
Congratulate Yourself
Save your reputation-hold that tongue
Showing your article to the source
Working from home
Baked Bean Month
Wedding -
Wedding - create an online wedding
Wedding - decorating instructions
Wedding - Choosing a place to marry
Wedding - photography
Wedding - money traditions
Wedding - presents
Wedding - the gown and accessories
Wedding - the honeymoon
Wedding - the cake
Wedding - more photography
Wedding - for those that couldn´t come
Wedding - great photo tips!
Wedding - the organization
Wedding - no children allowed
Wedding - Places to board guests
Wedding - the guest list
Doing a background check
Hiding your own information
How to be a computer detective
How to tail someone
Is Your Mate Cheating on You?
Listening to conversations
Snooping on your kids
Using a false name
Using genealogy sites
Covering your tracks on a computer
Acne treatments
Teenagers and smoking
Teenagers and wearing glasses
Getting that first job
Learning to drive
Signs of sexual abuse
Civil War Reenactments
Barbecue ideas
June is the typewriter anniversary
Watermelon spitting contests
Planting watermelon seeds
Antique cars
Family history
Thanksgiving Cakes
Charity stores in your area
Using Coupons
Coupon Clubs
Starting a Coupon Table at Your Grocery Store
Refunding for fun and profit
Scanner policies
How To Find Unit Prices
Keeping A Price Notebook
How To Haggle
Helping Kids Save Money
Shopping Thrift Store and Garage Sales for Seasonal Gifts
Gift Giving Decisions
Create Your Own Seasonal Gifts
Make Your Own Cleaners
Charity money rip-off
Dumpster-diving in your city
Finding local bargains
How to get assistance in your area
How to get assistance in your area
Replacing important papers
Store donations
Where does your charity money go?
Restaurants who donate to charity
Recycling To Save Money
Create Your Own Decorations
Publishing Craft Designs - a new kind of idea!
How To Shop For Sales
Make Your Own Clothes
Describing Your Item For Sale
How to Put Pictures in Your Auctions
Choosing An Ad Generator
The Best Time For An Ad
Aviation History Month
National Alzheimer´s Disease Month
Refunds or Rebates?
Double Coupons
How Secure Are You?
Christmas - Shoplifting
Christmas - Shoplifting attention
Christmas - Smells
Christmas - A Really Good Santa
Christmas - The Business of Santa
Christmas - What To Buy For The Unusual Person
Add a Bonus To Your Item
HTML Tutorials
International Drum Month
Turkey Tips
Unusual boxes for Valentine´s Day
Alexander Graham Bell Birthday
Pistol Packing
Poets in your city
Dog Licensing
Paper Currency
Girl Scouts Founded
St. Patrick´s Day
Creating your own Easter egg hunts
Decorating Easter eggs
Easter - best sellers
Easter - entertainment
Easter - the religion
Easter baskets
Easter clipart
Easter cookbook
Easter crafts
Easter egg hunt planning
Easter entertainment
Easter fashions
Easter leftovers
Easter songs
Getting an Easter pet
Make your own candies
Make your own Easter cards
Planning the Easter dinner feast
Taking great Easter pictures
Free Dental Clinics
Safety Pins
First Dictionary
Sign Language
Alcohol Awareness Month
April Fool´s Day
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Customer Loyalty
Mathematics Education Month
National Autism Awareness Month
National Lawn and Garden Month
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
National Poetry Month
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
Sports Eye Safety Month
Women´s Eye Health and Safety Month
Internet Addiction
State Quarters
Fun At Work Day
Rats And Mice As Pets
Taurus The Bull
Baseball tips
National Karaoke Week
Take Our Daughters To Work Day
May is the month of Condensed Milk
Bifocals Invented
Equal Pay Day
Coffee Mill Patent
First License Plates Issued
Keep America Beautiful Month
Playground Safety
First Bicycle Introduced
First U.S. Nickels
Lenders and borrowers
Getting back your borrowed item
Making Shaved Ice
Be A Game Guru
Uniforms In Local High Schools
Celebrity Prisoners´ Mail
Passwords Are Not Just For Computers
Can You Really Talk To The Dead?
Summer Jobs For Kids
101 Uses For ...
Confiscated Items
Getting A REAL Pen Pal
Hot Air Balloons - making
Feasts and Holidays
Keep a File
Finding Items To Auction
How To Create Your Own Post Office
Leaving feedback
Tips on Wrapping Your Items
Using Your Business Card in Auctioning
Winner´s letter
The quick read
Bullets: Verb usage
Features vs Benefits
Think big
It´s not just you
Who should write it?
Use of bullets
White paper bullets: Length
Graphics: use a pro
Slide Text
Make rules
Think before you write
Do your research
Hero´s Flaw
Character Development Offscreen
The Bad Guy
The Hero/Bad Guy
Manual vs Online Help
Mapping out navigation
HTML - General Knowledge
Writing Style for Games Manuals
Explaining the Song
Chorus: Length
Getting Better Every Day
Data Sheets: The Quick Read
Planning: Marketing Material
Character Development
Feasts and Holidays
A different location
Double Space for room to read
Feasts and Holidays
Beware Vanity Publishers
Feasts and Holidays
Feasts and Holidays
A different location
Beware Vanity Publishers
Maddening Ideas!
Where the online money is ...
Got Milk?
Using All Your Info
Writer`s Secret
A Writer`s Magic Tool
Top Story Ideas
Getting New Ideas
April Ideas! Make Your Own Encyclopedia!
20+ New Ideas for April Articles! Get Writing Now!
Add a Bonus to Your Item
Your January Ideas Have Arrived!
Create Unique Christmas Business Cards
1,001 Ways To ...
Make Your Digital Camera Pay for Itself
Create Your Own Photo Studio
An Article Idea That Involves YOU
NEW Writer-tips for you!
Write on!
Learning through Reading
Character Voice: From who`s point of view?
Creating Dynamic Characters through Dialect
Characters: What it`s all about
Great Beginnings
Advice from Writers
Managing your home office
Editors speak out on poetry
Working from Home at Writing
More Editorial Advice
Editors Speak Out
Book Queries and Proposals
Query Letters: The Article Query
Query Letters Introduction
Writer-tips Newsletter, Issue : 7, Cover Letters and Queries
Writer-tips Newsletter, Issue : 6, Cover Letters and Queries
Writer-tips Newsletter, Issue 5, Revision: Your Key to Success
Writer-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Revision, Your Key to Success
Writer-tips Newsletter, Issue 1, Breaking Writer`s Block
Writer Frequently Asked Questions
Should I work from home?
Do I need to send an SASE?
What should I write about?
Do I need to double space my work?
What is the best writing advice?
What specialties can I make for Thanksgiving?
What can I do to get back in the mood to write?
How can I find the time to write?
Where can I get ideas?
If I publish my own book, will they send it to the bookstores?
How many pages is a data sheet?
How do I find a unit price of an item?
Are bullets useful in a white paper?
How do I write for a CXO-level audience?
How do I make my hero interesting?
How much text should I include on a slide?
How do I write for a technical audience?
How can I tell if a watermelon is ripe enough?
How can I make my own Easter candy?
What is condensed milk?
How does shoplifiting affect Christmas profits?
How can I make watermelon designs?
How can I make my own gift tags?
What is the right length for a white paper?
What´s it like being Santa?
Should I create my own graphics?
How can humor reduce stress?
What kind of license plates are available in my state?
How can I encourage my teen to wear his or her glasses?
What are Christmas smells?
When was the first bicycle invented?
How can I create my own poetry?
How should I write thank you notes to my wedding guests?
How can I cover my tracks when I´m on a computer?
How can I console a child with no father?
How can I cure boredom?
How can I make my own boxes?
How can I celebrate St. Patrick´s Day?
What are nickels really made of?
How can I give my pet first aid?
How can I enter a watermelon spitting contest?
How do I handle Easter dinner?
How can I make my own wedding gown?
Is coffee in the morning really necessary?
What happens to a shoplifter?
How do I create a New Year´s Eve party?
How can I use pecans in crafts?
What is a good writer´s site for newspaper writers?
What can I do if I think my mate is cheating?
How should I decide on a guestbook?
How can I plan a Civil War Reenactment?
How can I let people know I am an author?
What can I do to get into a writing mood?
How do I live with an alcoholic?
How can I create a bonus to add to my auction item?
Can I get designer lenses without a prescription?
How can I bake beans?
How can I find a fortune in old typewriters?
How can I follow someone without getting caught?
How can I include those who can´t come to the wedding?
How can I take great Easter pictures?
What can I do with safety pins?
How much is money worth now?
Is poetry a good seller?
What does it cost to raise a dog?
How can I meet someone new?
How can I make my own wedding decorations?
Is there a Gay and Lesbian Parade day in your area?
How can I uninvite children to my wedding?
Where can I find a place to get married?
Should I work with my source to edit the article before sending it to
Why does no one appreciate my writing?
How can I make unusual candies?
How can I write to a celebrity in jail?
How many marriages take place on Valentine´s Day?
What´s the perfect gift?
What should I write about?
How can I display my wedding photos?
How can I have a great barbecue?
What are some good watermelon recipes?
What kinds of presents can I give for Father´s Day?
Who should I invite to the wedding?
What kind of wedding present can I give?
How can I have a gorgeous wedding on a budget?
What do I do when I don´t feel like writing?
Why do I need to read what they´ve already published?
Where can I find Easter clipart?
How can I keep flowers fresh?
How can I preserve flowers?
What are the Girl Scouts doing in my area?
When is National Child Abuse Prevention Month?
How can I make a low-cost seasonal gift?
What are some holiday turkey tips?
Why would I want to fly?
How can I learn to play the drums?
How can I tell if my child is autistic?
How can I encourage more fun at work?
What´s the best way to beat my opponent?
Where can I find things to sell at an online auction?
What´s a Santa business?
What is the religious side of Easter?
How can I have a cheap wedding that doesn´t look cheap?
Why do people dumpster-dive?
How much does it cost to restore an antique car?
Where can I double coupons?
How do I save my wedding cake?
How can I cure acne?
Is Valentine´s Day a popular proposal day?
Who celebrates the telephone?
Why should I learn sign language?
How can I fix a zipper?
How can I write a good auction winner´s letter?
Where I can find a place to participate in karaoke?
How can I take care of my lawn?
When do we celebrate taking our daughters to work day?
How safe is my city playground equipment?
Why should I leave a business card to an online buyer?
How do you treat diabetes?
How does aluminum affect our health?
Should I write a story like "Harry Potter"?
Should I send a letter back to the editor?
Will conferences help me to sell my books?
What are some great photo ideas for our wedding?
What gifts can I give to my wedding party?
How can I afford a wedding?
How can I plan my honeymoon?
How can I find out where my children have been on the computer?
How can my teen create his own job?
How to get assistance
When can people take their pets to work with them?
Are some charities a rip off?
How is my charity donation spent?
How can I have a free wedding?
How can I have a wedding online?
Can I be my own wedding coordinator?
Should I hire a photographer for my wedding?
What can I do with my wedding guests?
How can I help get my name known?
What do I do when it seems that everything has already been written?
Does timed writing work?
What if I can´t think of anything to write about?
Would other writers help me to write better?
Can I listen to my neighbors´ conversations legally?
How can I write an Easter card?
How can I find free packing materials?
What can I do to help an Alzheimer´s patient?
What can I do about epilepsy?
Is their an equal pay scale in my area?
How can I protect my eyesight?
Is it proper to clean my flag?
How can I teach my child math?
What are some remedies for toothache pain?
How can I describe my item for sale?
How can I keep my customers loyal?
Who can carry a gun in my city?
How did you meet your someone special?
Are there any new Easter songs?
Should you snoop on your kids?
How can I do a background check on someone?
How is my donated money used?
Where can I find a bargain?
How can I make an Easter cookbook?
How can I market my book?
What do I need to write in a query/cover letter?
How can I get my name known?
Should I make parts of my manuscript in different fonts?
What makes a beautiful flower arrangment?
How can I keep my city litter-free?
How can I put a picture in my auction ad?
How can I write on-line auction ads?
How can I decide the best way to distribute gifts?
How secure am I?
What can I give my secretary in observation of Secretaries Day?
How can I prove someone is being cruel to an animal?
Who uses eye protection in sports?
How can I save money on seasonal decorations?
How can I create a dictionary?
Will reading help?
How do I use a geneology site?
What is the Easter legend?
What can I wear for Easter?
How can I hide my own information?
How did Easter get started?
Do restaurants in my area donate food?
How can I get important papers replaced?
Scanners Can Get You Free Items
How can I learn to haggle?
How I can help my child save money?
Why do stores not donate their unusable items?
How can I plan my own Easter egg hunt?
How can I have perfect teeth?
How can I help my teen get his first job?
How do I wake up my mind to writing?
What is the most favorite April Fool´s joke?
When is the best time to place an on-line auction ad?
What is a Taurus child like?
Can I just move my manual text directly online?
Do I need to know HTML to create online help?
What can I do about stress?
How can I make flavored shaved ice at home?
Who pays for student uniforms?
How can I figure out the cost of postage?
How To Save Money Making Your Own Clothes
Are their free dental clinics in my area?
How can I have perfect teeth?
Where can I find Easter crafts?
How can I entertain my guests?
How can I have a free wedding?
How can I entertain my guests?
What does the Easter Seal Society do in your area?
How can I decorate eggs?
How can I tell if a child is being abused?
What can I do to get ideas?
What should I write?
How do I make candy?
Who is Cupid?
What´s the best way to shop for sales?
What´s the difference between a refund and a rebate?
How can I create my own booklet?
How can I enhance my psychic powers?
Who locally owns the oldest currency?
Should I clean my state quarters?
How can I tell someone she can´t borrow from me?
Is Styro-foam still being used?
How Can I Recycle to Save Money?
Where can I find ad templates?
Can I wait and submit on the last day ?
What do I need to check on my manuscripts?
How will I ever get this novel finished?
Why does my family not understand my need to write?
Should I get an Easter pet?
How can I supervise an easter egg hunt?
How can I preserve my family history?
How can I start a coupon club in my area?
How can I create a coupon table at my grocery store?
What is refunding all about?
How can I make my own Easter basket?
Where can I find leftover egg recipes?
Should I submit at the end of the year?
What can I gain or lose by leaving auction feedback?
How can I help my child get onto a baseball team?
What can my kid do this summer for a job?
Do I need to send a bio, even if I haven´t been accepted yet?
How can I keep my teen from smoking?
How can I help my teen with depression or suicidal tendencies?
How can I save money on seasonal presents?
What is a price book and how do I use it?
Where can I find coupons?
How can I identify inhalant abuse?
What are the Easter best sellers?

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Alexis Niki